Creation of Succubus
An older video that used Lightroom 3 and an older version of Photoshop (CS6) showing my complete workflow to convert the photo to the finished product.
All of the concepts covered here are still valid, but I am discounting it because it is a tad-bit aged. It is formatted for an iPad, not wide screen. Still plenty of space to see what is happening.
Still a great video and you will be able to alter your images like this without plugins. Great skills to have, even if you don't plan to mess up someone's face. :-)
60 Minutes of step by step Photoshop Training
Watch in real time as the image is created
Complete workflow from Lightroom to Photoshop and then back to Lightroom
Quick skin retouching techniques using dodge and burn
Learn about rotating the canvas, patch tool tricks, and the quick mask
How to use the puppet warp tool for texture wrapping
Using "Blend If" to help merge images where masks would be nearly impossible
Faking depth of field
Formatted for iPad